Year of the Green Dragon Forecast by Remee L. Gemo

Welcome to the Year of the Dragon! It’s bound to be an exciting and spectacular year. The energy of 2024 is Yang, so expect an energetic, creative, dynamic, and expansive year ahead. While the Year of the Dragon may be a little fast paced, it will also bring plenty of opportunities to those who are willing to prioritize their passions and strategize how to bring them forth. The brave, daring and prepared will prosper in 2024.

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Elements for 2024

Wood and Earth Elements

2024 is a Wood year.  Wood is a competitive, aggressive element, focused on constant growth and expansion. In Chinese philosophy the Wood element is related to the Liver and Gallbladder, the eyes, tendons and the sinews. Expect the energy this year to be anything but stagnant. In fact, areas of your life that were previously inactive might experience so much growth and abundance that you could get a little overwhelmed! Remember to be flexible and to establish a work-life balance before you burn out. Consistent efforts will produce the best results during a Wood year.

The Dragon is an Earth element creature. In Chinese philosophy the Earth Element is related to the Spleen and Stomach. This is a nurturing and grounded element, connected to the body’s digestive system. While Wood is all about competition, Earth is all about harmony. However, Earth struggles with boundaries. As opportunities and energy abound this year, don’t be afraid to say no to what doesn’t suit you. It is important to nurture others, but it is also important to nurture yourself. When you get overwhelmed this year, Earth will encourage you to take a deep breath and take in the present moment. You could also find yourself more interested in environmentalism and in taking your breaks in the great outdoors.

Dragon Energy

According to Chinese mythology, when the twelve animals were racing to earn their place in the Jade Emperor’s zodiac, the Dragon was detoured when it spotted a fire. The Dragon chose to save the endangered village instead of earning first place. This selflessness exemplifies the Dragon—it is a noble animal with a strong desire to protect and serve mankind.

You might feel a noticeable shift in energy in the Lunar New Year. Suddenly, everything will feel more chaotic and dynamic. This is because the Dragon loves excess. 2024 will be luckier, more emotional, more successful, and more stressful than the Year of the Rabbit. Prepare for new opportunities and make sure to take calculated risks in order to reach your goals. Don’t worry about failure—you will learn, grow, and come into new opportunities. Even when things go wrong you are rewarded with a new perspective and wisdom. The Dragon is here to open doors for those in pursuit of their dreams. To do so you may have to let go of the past as well as beliefs, habits, attitudes and ways of being that aren’t serving you anymore. The Dragon is about being brave enough to heal, and bold enough to thrive.


Dragon children are highly regarded-Births during a Dragon year increase by 5%

Children and Persons born in the Year of the Dragon

Children and those born in the Year of the Dragon tend to be creative, intelligent, healthy, charismatic, and very, very lucky. Those born in the year of the Dragon are able to take calculated risks, they seem gifted in manipulating the scales of risk and reward in their favor.  They are optimists, leaders, and perpetually adventurous- aficionados of all things different, unique and interesting.

Like the mythical Dragon they also have an immense palpable energy which draws admiration that they enjoy. They are visionaries who inspire, but suffer from boredom and irritation with the mundane. Despite the Dragon’s keen intelligence, natural intuition they can sometimes be too bossy and blunt with their opinions. They tend to be successful in their work and finances but are less concerned with the material world and more involved with their passions.  One should learn from the Dragon’s ability to create prosperity from passions.



Charms: For luck in 2024, you may want to carry the Dragon’s best friend—the Rooster—with you.  A Rooster charm may serve you well.  If you are concerned with marital harmony or marriage luck switch the Rooster out for a Pheonix.

Dragon Feng Shui: Representations of the Dragon such as Dragon figurines or art should be placed at or below eye level. A Dragon above your head will overpower you.

Colors: Lucky colors include all shades of green, earth toned yellows, and browns.

Crystals: Emerald, citrine, jade, aventurine, and golden healer quartz.


2024 is all about finding a balance with home and work. Be careful not to overwork or exhaust yourself this year. The Dragon’s powerful energy will burn you out if you do not take time to recharge and decompress. Consider relaxing with Earth and Wood inspired activities like crocheting, knitting, gardening, woodworking, and baking. You might also find yourself de-stressing in nature with the Wood/Earth influence this year. Hiking, outdoor sports and camping will be popular leisure activities. Particularly consider the Japanese pastime of forest bathing which consists of immersing all your senses in the experience of the forest.

When it comes to the home, you might find yourself connecting to your family—whether that’s your family of origin or your chosen family of friends. Children may move back in with their parents or elders could move in with their adult children or other relatives. A Dragon is protective of its loved ones, and a Wood year may contain dangers that require family members to gather beneath the same roof.

Dragon years are also good for moving, starting a business, or getting married. Wood is a great element for new ventures, and Earth will have you nesting at home and (perhaps) starting a family.


It’s a great year to get married! The Dragon and the Phoenix (essentially a glorified rooster) represent eternal happiness and harmony of Yin and Yang, both lucky symbols for a new marriage. The Earth element this year is all about nurturing and affection—and getting out in the community and socializing. If you are an introvert, support your partner when they want to make new friends and connections.

At the same time, make sure your demanding work or social schedule does not detract from your relationship. The Wood Dragon’s workaholic tendencies can be detrimental to romantic relationships, don’t forget to schedule quality time together.

Likewise, be careful of the other side of the coin and do not fall into codependency. The Earth element can be a bit clingy. The Year of the Dragon will have relationship lessons related to being overly controlling or allowing yourself to be controlled by not enforcing your boundaries. Focus on improving your communication skills with your loved ones especially learning to say “no.” If you need space—or affection, time, and attention—tell your partner.

Dragon years are considered very good years for marriage.

Work and Money

2024 is a strong year for entrepreneurs, engineers, fashion designers, and environmentalists. Those in the tech field—healthcare technology, artificial intelligence, software development, cybersecurity, and cryptocurrency—will also thrive. Jobs in spiritual fields may receive attention from the Dragon this year. Real estate will be a trickier career path in 2024. It’s a great year to buy or sell a house, but those working in the real estate field might find themselves beset by legalities.

Because of the Earth influence, those who work with jewels, gold, and other precious metals could have an excellent year.

Wood’s combativeness will also aid the aggressive, competitive war industry and its adjacent fields like weapons and technology. Unfortunately, this year there will be more war.

People may be more competitive at work this year, seeking promotion and accolades, but success will be found in collaboration. Expand your network and reach out to your colleagues when you have an exciting new project. Be careful, though, not to get entangled in messy legal battles and resolve them as quickly as possible when they occur.

Take breaks from work often. You will miss your golden opportunity if you are too exhausted to take it. The Year of the Dragon will reward the competent, and the year’s transformative energy will bring an abundance to your work life if you keep your eyes peeled for new opportunities.

Technology and AI will make significant strides this year

Science and Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to disrupt several industries this year. In particular, those working in customer service, surgical and healthcare technologies may find their jobs replaced by technology and AI. Expect AI to improve appliances found in homes and kitchen gadgets, childcare products, eldercare and pet care products.

Fashion will also be influenced by AI—clothes will include sensors and functions related to monitoring health and communications; AI will also having applications related to mental-emotional health, and safety.

There may also be technologies invented to aid those who have been affected by war such as applications for PTSD management or advances in prosthetics and treatments for traumatic brain injuries. Improvements in diagnostics, health monitoring, sight, and hearing technology can be expected.

All of this new tech will also inspire debates around the ethics of technology, privacy, intellectual property, and governing the rise and pace of development of artificial intelligence. AI’s rapid growth might outpace its ability to protect your financial or personal information, so be careful and take additional steps to protect your data.

Transportation and space technology will make considerable progress. Innovations in fuel and battery technology will change our reach in space and transform transportation in significant ways. Particularly, in the areas of exploring, visiting and claiming territories in space.


China, traditionally represented by the Dragon, will have an active year. They may accumulate wealth, power, new technologies, and land in 2024. Despite a difficult start they will rise to the challenges before them and end the year in a better position than 2023. Russia may also have an intense, emotional and dramatic year, as Putin is a Water Dragon.

Dragon years tend to be years of intense change and transformation. During the last Green Dragon year, strange political upsets were happening globally. US politics can be expected to echo this strangeness in 2024. We might end up with an unforeseen player gaining the Presidential seat despite the election.

A Yang 2024 will see continued war, and there will be a heated protests between those who embrace the variety of issues related to Wood element (continued war, corporate rights, nationalism etc) and the Earth element (peace, healthcare issues, educational system concerns etc). The Wood/Earth influences in the year will also see disputes in matters related to food regulation, food sourcing, healthcare, women’s health, education, child and elder interests. Due to an alarming AI-related incident this year the immediate need to regulate AI will be pushed to the forefront of legislation.


Major Themes

Equality: Expect strides forward in equality of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin equality, especially in healthcare and employment.

Environmentalism: The Dragon is one of the four protectors of the environment in Chinese mythology. Deforestation (Wood) and soil quality (Earth) will become major concerns, with people rallying to preserve forests and develop regulations around the growth and processing of food.

Culture and Entertainment: There will be a big focus on volunteering this year, as people commit to nurturing others. Therapists may find an uptick in patients who need help with work, family, and managing stress levels.

As far as entertainment goes, “boy bands” from outside of the United States will continue to top the charts and gain strong American following. Sports will find underdogs winning big, breaking records, and many athletes will use their newfound power to advocate for political change. There will be a creative renaissance in music, film, and the arts. Earth/Wood inspired arts like woodworking, pottery, sculpture, architecture, fabric arts, and landscaping will be particularly inspired, as will the digital arts. Family focused entertainment, and sporting events are set to have an amazing year.

Women: Older women will be particularly influential in 2024 and will disrupt politics, finance, and the corporate world. Women will re-ignite their personal power and will overtake industries that were traditionally male. Social media will call attention to women’s issues all over the world, and many cultures will recognize the importance of women’s education and improving the plight of those in repressive cultures, and countries.

Natural World

Earthquakes, mudslides, and the erosion of beaches could be big issues in 2024. Expect at least one severe earthquake possibly in South Asia or the North Pacific. The earth might literally shift beneath our feet via mudslides, sinkholes, landslides and aftershocks. In areas where earthquakes are prevalent, have supplies such as food, water, batteries, and generators.  On a smaller scale tree roots and shifting earth will affect foundations so check the soundness of structures.

Wood feeds Fire, so forest fires (and fires in general) may, unfortunately, be prevalent in 2024. On a more personal note keep a fire extinguisher in your home, check your alarms, and practice fire safety.

Invasive species of plants and animals could also take over new environments. Additionally, be aware of animals and insects that may “attack” when you are in nature or their territory such as wild or sick animals, ticks, mosquitoes, wasps and bees.

It’s not all bad news, however— the areas decimated by fire will rejuvenate as forests grow back vigorously following the devastation of previous years. More sustainable methods of farming will be implemented, technology will make advances in remediation of pollution, and environmentally-conscious legislation will render significant change in 2024.

Personal Growth

To enhance personal growth and self-discovery in the year of the Dragon consider the following recommendations.

  • Get a Face Reading for personalized guidance in this dynamic year.

  • While the Dragon will inspire professional success, be careful not to get burned out.

  • Take a job that allows you to thrive personally and also allows you to pursue your passions.

  • Prioritize experiencing happiness instead of delaying your dreams- if we have learned anything these recent years it is that tomorrow is not promised to us.

Wood will drive you forward to achieve great things, and Earth will encourage you to nurture your soul by doing what you love. Follow your heart in 2024 and the Dragon will create favorable conditions.


Be diligent with preventative screenings as imbalances may quickly develop this year. There will be issues related to the digestion, joints, tendons, eyes and the liver this year. Also be aware of issues related to toxicity, overexertion and stress. Irregular diet, poor food quality and poor food choices will render noticeable impacts on the digestive system and metabolism. You may have to deal with issues regarding regulation of blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight. Anxiety and depression from family and work stressors may also be of concern. Quality food, proper eating habits (such as not overeating or eating late) and seasonal subtle detoxification will benefit you this year.

Don’t let your stress create health imbalances.

Wood attacks Earth, so be careful with digestion issues. Focus on food that nourishes and is easy to digest. The maintaining and improving of the gut microbiome will be an important facet of health this year.

You can calm excess Wood energy by exercising, balancing work/play, and spending time in nature. Find a productive active outlet for your stress and anger. Combat any loneliness that might arise with quality time with family and friends. Find time to nurture yourself with sensory pleasures such as massages, aromatherapy, music, beautiful surrounding and healing foods. Additionally, do not underestimate the benefits of therapy with a counselor.


The Earth element favors root vegetables, naturally sweet foods, beef, grains, yellow, orange, and brown foods. Wood foods include chicken, liver, wild game, wheat, leafy greens, and sour citrus. Fermented and pickled foods will also be beneficial, as will sprouts and other greens. There will be a move away from processed foods and towards more plant-based protein. People will begin to care about where their food comes from and pay more attention to the companies that produce their food. Comfort food and nostalgia might also play a big role in your food choices this year. Technology will positively impact the way we prepare and process foods.

Food quality matters, sour foods benefit the Wood element


Because of Wood’s influence, fabrics like bamboo, cotton, and other natural fibers will become more popular. Knits, crochet, and embroidery are also important this year as fiber arts belong to the Wood Element. Suits, trousers, wide-legged pants, and red accents (including a strong red lip) will dominate.

Earth will inspire a more laid-back vibe. Recycled, thrifted, and vintage clothing will continue to be in demand and repurposed. Comfort will be a top priority this year—lots of loose clothes and ethereal, airy, feminine dresses. Crystals will be a popular accessory, as will metals like gold, bronze and silver.

More diverse body types will grace the runway and social media conveying the importance of inclusivity and respresentation. Clothing will also become a way to broadcast what you believe in, as consumers will choose brands that give back.

Red lipstick is back for 2024

The Dragon Year will be an exceptional year for growth and transformation. The Dragon shows benevolence and grants luck to all astrological signs in this energy-filled year. To find out the Dragon Year themes for your particular Chinese Astrology sign Follow on Instagram or Facebook at Face Reading Institute & Eastern Arts. The signs will be posted the week of the Lunar New Year.

Remee L. Gemo is a Master Face Reader, acupuncturist, artist, intuitive, and energy healer from Richmond, Virginia. Remee has been creating yearly forecasts for her clients, students and patients for the past nine years. She is the owner of Empress Acupuncture, the founder of the Energy Medicine Center and a co-founder of Face Reading Institute and Eastern Arts. She is the innovator of R.E.M.I. Healing Arts and the L.I.F.T. method of facial rejuvenation. She serves as an adjunct professor at Virginia Commonwealth University. Remee teaches programs in face reading, intuitive development, and energy healing among others. She is also an encaustic artist. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her Havanese puppies, play the ukulele, and experiment with slow food and fermentation. To learn more about Remee you can follow her on her Instagram @FaceReaderRemee

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Information provided is for entertainment purposes only, and is not replacement for professional health or financial or legal advice. Copyright EnergyMedicineCenter 2023 no part may be reproduce or distributed without written consent from Remee L. Gemo.


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